* External dependencies
import { Story, Meta } from '@storybook/react';
import { useArgs } from '@storybook/client-api';
import { INTERACTION_TIMEOUT } from '@woocommerce/storybook-controls';
* Internal dependencies
import ErrorPlaceholder, { ErrorPlaceholderProps } from '..';
export default {
title: 'WooCommerce Blocks/editor-components/Errors',
component: ErrorPlaceholder,
} as Meta< ErrorPlaceholderProps >;
const Template: Story< ErrorPlaceholderProps > = ( args ) => {
const [ { isLoading }, setArgs ] = useArgs();
const onRetry = args.onRetry
? () => {
setArgs( { isLoading: true } );
() => setArgs( { isLoading: false } ),
: undefined;
return (
export const Default = Template.bind( {} );
Default.args = {
error: {
'A very generic and unhelpful error. Please try again later. Or contact support. Or not.',
type: 'general',
export const APIError = Template.bind( {} );
APIError.args = {
error: {
message: 'Server refuses to comply. It is a teapot.',
type: 'api',
export const UnknownError = Template.bind( {} );
UnknownError.args = {
error: {
message: '',
type: 'general',
export const NoRetry: Story< ErrorPlaceholderProps > = ( args ) => {
return ;
NoRetry.args = {
error: {
message: '',
type: 'general',